Thursday, 28 September 2017

Buddy Art and Important Information

Important Information
1.) Field trip forms have been sent out today. Please return them by Monday, October 2nd. Our field trip is on October 4th. Thank you to the two volunteers who have agreed to come and help, your child is bringing home a volunteer form for you to sign!

2.) Photo day is October 10th. A form was also sent home for this.

3.) Tomorrow is ORANGE SHIRT DAY! Please remember to wear an orange shirt, or red if you don't have an orange shirt.

Buddy Art
Today we worked with our buddies to complete an art project based on the book "Ish" by Peter Reynolds. In the first stage we created our backgrounds using paint. Today, we used pencil crayon and crayon to create beautiful flowers in a vase, just like in the book. Here are some examples of our work!

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Events this week!

Wednesday is an information session for Grade 6's who are interested in the Me to We club.  We will meet at lunch in Mrs. Cooke's room, please join us if you have questions or are interested! 

Thursday is our Terry Fox Run, please dress appropriately for the weather and the walk outside.  It is also our spirit day, so wear CJP gear or colours (green, blue, red, yellow). 

Friday is orange shirt day, please wear orange in support! 

Monday, 25 September 2017

The week ahead...!

This week is a busy week at CJP! Here are a few things to note:
-Thursday is our Terry Fox Run, please dress for the weather and wear appropriate shoes for our walk!
-Thursday is a spirit day, please wear CJP colours or CJP gear!
-Friday is orange shirt day, this will be discussed throughout the week. Please wear orange on Friday to support this special day!

1.) if you are in Grade 6 and thinking about joining the Me to We club, there is an information meeting this Wednesday at lunch! We hope to see you there!

2.)if you are interested in being a School Comprehensive Health Leader, please answer the 3 questions posted last week, and bring them to Mr. Sauverwald or Ms. Barrie by Monday, October 2nd.

3.) Attention all Grade 5/6 students who are interested in the CBC Canadian Music Challenge! If you are interested, there is an information meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 26th in the music room at lunch!

Special Notes from Today:
In Math today, we learned about patterns and the Fibonacci sequence. We discussed how the Fibonacci sequence is found in nature and all around us, and then we went on a classroom hunt to find examples within our classroom. Ask your child to explain to you what the Fibonacci sequence is, and if they can show you any real life examples!

In Science, we took a look at our class' carbon footprint. Based on 17 students, we had a total carbon footprint of 920.9kg for the period of one week. This exceeds the carbon that our Discovery Garden trees absorb in a week (455kg of carbon), by 465.9kg!! This number was much higher than the class anticipated, and we discussed ways that we could reduce our carbon footprint both at home and at school. Several suggestions for school were to turn off the lights and only use natural light, as well as turning off the smart board and using an actual timer for our work period.

Discuss with your child at home different ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint!

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Science Task

Trees in Discovery Garden

Today we measured and found out that our discovery garden trees store approximately 155 kg of carbon.

Now get a sense of how much C02 you produce doing everyday activities.
Activity C02 Produced (kg)
Driving a car 1 kilometre=  0.28
Watching an LCD television for 1 hour 0.088
Sending 1 email with an attachment 0.050
Making a cell phone call for 1 minute 0.057

Can you figure out how many trees you would need to offset the amount of carbon you produce watching TV, riding in a car or using a cell phone over the course of one week?

Present this neatly in a chart, and clearly communicate how big your carbon footprint is in kg per week.

Please bring this in for Monday, so we can measure the Room 19's carbon footprint as a whole class. 

Comprehensive School Health Leaders

CJP is looking for mature, self-directed students who are interested in making positive wellness changes in our school. These students will be joining us for our comprehensive school health team for the year. We are looking for students who will be committed to meeting every second week for the entire school year. We are looking to capitalize on existing leadership skills. 

If students who are in grade 4, 5, or 6 are interested, please answer the following three questions:

How can you help students make positive wellness choices?
What past experiences will help you to achieve this?
How have you shown leadership in the past? 

Please  bring them to either Mr. Sauverwald or Ms. Barrie by Monday, October 2nd. 

They will be making choices based on strength of application, therefore, not all students who apply will be selected. 

Thank you!

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Important Reminders

Wednesday's Me to We info session has been moved to next week!

Vaccination forms must be returned by tomorrow (Wednesday), even if you are declining them! 

Contact info, reading profiles, and "getting to know you" sheets please return by tomorrow. 

Math work is due Wednesday by the end of the day.

Thursday is Parent/Teacher/Student conferences - no school!
Friday is a PD Day - no school!

Monday, 18 September 2017

Reminders and Important Information

Until we are able to figure out the pages for the different subjects, I have added a link called "files" on the right side under "information for parents". When you click on this, it connects your student to a google drive; they will need their school email address and password to access this from home.

Currently in the file are this week's math questions that the students are working on. They are due Wednesday morning, they also have work period time to work on these as well.

Today we discussed about trees and forests. As a class we created a list of reasons why they are important. We then selected criteria for choosing our top 3. The criteria are critical to life, critical to the human race, and the biggest impact. Students then recorded their top 3 reasons, justifying why these were the more important and make connections back to our criteria.
Ask your child what their 3 most important reasons are, and why? 

Important information:
Vaccinations are due on Wednesday!
Please sign up for conferences if you have not done so already.
All About Me Bags - please bring them in if you have not done so already.

Contact info sheets, reading profiles, and Getting to Know You sheets - please bring in by Wednesday. 

Friday, 15 September 2017

Reminders for Next Week!

All About Me Bags are due on Monday! 

Grade 5 Vaccination forms are due on Wednesday, September 20th!

Parent-Teacher conferences are on Thursday, if you have not signed up, please ensure that you do so ASAP as spots are filling up!

Next Friday is PD Day, so there is no school for the students.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Grade 5 Vaccinations & Me to We Club

Grade 5's:
Vaccination forms have been sent home with your Grade 5 students today. Please ensure that the forms are signed and returned by next Wednesday, September 20th, even if you are declining the vaccinations (for record keeping purposes).

Grade 6's: 
Me to We Club
 will have its first meeting next Wednesday, September 20th. Below is some information that was sent out to teachers:

"Living WE starts with YOU! You desire to leave the world a better place than you found it! Readdress the issues of positive change, Me to We inspires people like you to transform your life and the world around you. We will plan and execute a variety of fundraising campaigns to support children both locally and globally.
What skills and characteristics are students expected to bring with them to the Me to We Club:
-positive role model
-effective communicator
-takes initiative
-responsible and reliable 

If you think Me to We is a good fit, then come to Wednesday's meeting to find out more information!!

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Trees and Forests

Today we started to take a look at our first science unit, Trees and Forests.  Students created a KWLS chart, identifying what they already knew and recording what they wanted to know about trees and forests. They then learned about different uses of forests, human impacts, and why the forests are important.

Discuss with your child what they already know about Trees and Forests, which is quite a bit! Ask them what they want to know, we had many wonderful and intriguing questions today!

                                  Image result for cartoon trees and forests
                                 Image obtained from.....

A homework/communication folder is coming home tonight. Students have a "getting to know you" sheet to fill out, as well as a student information sheet for parents to fill out and return. If students did not finish their reading profile today, they are to fill it out at home and return to me tomorrow morning.

Looking forward to seeing you all tonight, stay warm!

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Welcome Back Picnic

This is just a reminder that we have our school welcome back picnic tomorrow, rain or shine! If there is bad weather, we will simply move our picnic indoors.  You are free to bring your own food for the picnic, there will also be food trucks available. It supposed to be cool outside tomorrow, so dress for the weather!

All About Me Bags

Dear Families, 

During these first weeks of school we will be getting to know one another. Creating community is a large part of a successful beginning to a new school year.

Students will be creating “All About Me” bags in order to get to know one another better. Due to the nature of this task, it will need to be completed at home and may be seen as a positive opportunity for your family to collaborate and brainstorm together. 

The About Me Bags will be due on Monday September 18th. If they wish to do so, students may complete and bring their bag to school before this date.

Last week, I introduced myself to the children with an “All About Me” bag. It contained a Montreal Canadians magnet, photos of my family and friends, 2 books that I love, a photo album of art work, an owl figurine, a birding magazine, a small camera, and a fishing lure.

Each day a few of the About Me Bags will be shared as students get the opportunity to help build a positive classroom climate. Instead of coming to the front of the class to share their bags, the students and I will randomly choose a bag, open it, make inferences about the meaning of the items inside the bags, and then guess who the bag belongs to. The owner of the bag can then elaborate on the inferences made by the class and teach us a few interesting facts about themselves.

Your child will be given a brown paper bag, which they must not decorate in order to hide the identity of the bag. Your child is asked to choose 4-6 items that describe him/her to place in the bag, but should not include things that directly give away their identity (e.g., photos that they are in, things with their name on it). Please make sure that the items your child brings fit inside the paper bag and are not easily broken. The bags will be returned as soon as your child has shared the contents of it with the class.

Please email me if you have any further questions in regards to this activity.

-Ms. Rohrbacher 

Monday, 11 September 2017

Monday, September 11th

Today in Math, we had a fun task where we were asked to represent or create a number in as many different ways as possible. Some of the ways we came up with were multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, tally marks, pictures, decimals, and word problems.

We were asked to pick one day from our summer and write a paragraph about our day using our 5 senses.

We finished off our day by continuing to work on the art portion of our SMART goals. If you are unsure what a SMART goal is, ask your child for a more detailed explanation, and what their SMART goal is!

Friday, 8 September 2017

First Week

Thanks for the great first week!

Stay tuned next week for information and welcome packages that will be sent home.

See you all next week, have a safe and wonderful weekend!

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Thank you!

I just wanted to take a quick moment to say "Thank You" for all the kind welcome messages I have received this week! They are very much appreciated.

                                                       Image result for tree full of owls


Today we met our new buddies, Mrs. Ross' grade 1/2 class! Room 19 is very excited about their buddies. Mrs. Ross' class is learning about patterns, so we helped them to complete a task where they traced their hands and coloured them in using patterns they had learned.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Teamwork Skills and Growth Mindset

Today we talked about being a boss vs. a leader.  As a class, we sorted attributes under the heading, and discussed why they went there.

We completed a team building challenge, working in groups to build the highest tower out of spaghetti noodles, tape, string, and a marshmallow (on top!)

We also talked about having a Growth Mindset. We listened to the books "Dot" and "Ish" by Peter H Reynolds. Students were then asked to go around to the different words "creativity, mistakes, dedication, success, risks, courage, effort, persistence" and write or draw what this word means to them. We looked at pictures of famous people who have failed in order to succeed, such as Albert Einstein or Walt Disney.

The students also came up with their own set of classroom rules, which they signed at the end of the day.


Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school!

We had a wonderful first day in Room 19. Please note that there is an information package that will be going home at the end of the week (Friday). Please make sure to check this blog daily for information and links to work, as well as the beautiful calendar at the bottom of the page! This will be used to update important school information, as well as class information such as due dates and field trips. Throughout the year, links will be added for information for studying as well as handouts and other documents.

Thanks for a great first day, see you all tomorrow!