Wednesday, 31 January 2018

We Are Silent & Weekly Math Games

Important Dates & Info

Math Exit Slips are also due on Friday.

Group of Seven Art is due next Friday.

Math Games, a school wide initiative, are being sent home with the students to complete over the next week. Please look for more information in an email that will be sent out later today.

Classroom Learning
Today, our entire class pledged to be silent for "We Are Silent". Some made pledges for a few hours, or until lunch, and many made pledges to be silent for the entire day. We were very successful in sticking to our pledges. This was especially impressive during gym class this morning....silent dodgeball, anyone?!

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The Famous Five

Important News & Info
We are looking for donations of egg cartons for one of our math games! If you have any, please kindly send them in with your child. 

French Family Tree due on Friday

Tomorrow is We Are Silent!

Next Friday, Group of Seven Art is due.

Classroom Learning - The Famous Five 
We learned that the Famous Five was a group of five women who helped women vote and have rights in Canada, and become a "person" under the law. The Famous Five were Nellie McClung, Emily Murphy, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney, and Henrietta Muir Edwards. Before this, if there was a divorce the husband owned the property and the kids, as well as the money. Women were not allowed to vote, and they didn't have many rights. They could not have certain jobs or careers which were considered only for men. They were not allowed to play certain sports.

Today we worked with placemats to learn about the Famous Five, and order them based upon their impact and importance to women and Canada. Discuss with your family how you would rank these women from 1-5, and why. 

Monday, 29 January 2018

Math Game: Decimal Dice

Important Dates & Info
Writing - Step #5 (planning) is overdue. Please complete at home tonight, it will be checked tomorrow. 
Tomorrow is crazy patterns day, come to school dressed in as many different patterns as you can!

Wednesday is We are Silent, pledge to be silent and stand up for children's rights for education!

ME to WE is leading another campaign which will take place on Wednesday, January 31
This time it is WE are Silent and all students are encouraged to participate. Take a vow of silence to turn up the volume on the struggles of young people fighting for their basic human rights, such as access to clean water and education. Everyone deserves the chance to live the life they choose - not one chosen for them by poverty, illiteracy and happenstance. 

                         Their voices matter. Your voice matters. How will you use it?

Take a pledge to be silent! Our younger students (K, Gr. 1/2) may want to take the pledge of silence for a single 45 minute block. Perhaps the Gr. 3/4 will take the pledge for the entire  morning. Maybe our Gr. 5/6's will strive to be silent for the entire school day. 

French Family Tree is due on Friday! 

Classroom Learning

Here is another math game to try out at home, it ties in nicely with our fractions and decimal unit we are currently studying!

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

See you at Conferences!

Important Dates & Info:
Tomorrow is parent teacher student conferences, make sure you come with your parents!
PD Day on Friday, no school!
French Family Tree is due on Friday, February 2nd.
We are Silent is on Wednesday.
Crazy Pattern Day is on Tuesday.
Writing - Planning (step #5) is due on Monday. 

Classroom Learning
We had a fantastic time at the Interpretive Centre today! Students spent the morning working with members and employees of the CPS, learning about bullying, online safety, and healthy relationships. With bullying, students learned that there are 4 main types of bullying: cyber, social, physical, and verbal. These can sometimes overlap. In online safety, they discussed the impact of bullying online, as well as how to navigate and use social media in a safe way. Students were able to practice the skills they learned when creating a mock social media page by designing one which was safe and private enough to protect them from things such as phishing scams and identity theft. In healthy relationships, students discussed the many different types of relationships (friends, classmates, coworkers, family, etc.) that they have in their life. They learned how to tell the difference between a relationship that is healthy, and one that is unhealthy. A healthy relationship is safe and happy!

In the afternoon, students were able to further study the evidence from the crime we were assigned, using their knowledge to identify the suspects involved. Students used clues gathered from hair and fibre samples, fingerprints, and footwear prints, witness and suspect statements, and police reports to narrow down our suspects. At the end, students practiced dusting for fingerprints using materials that would actually be used by the CPS in an investigation.

We were able to spend some time exploring the interactive museum, checking out the different components and parts of the police force, such as the K-9 unit and the mounted police. Students even had a chance to sit in a police car.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Field trip, Food log, Writing, and Chicken problems

Important Dates and Info:
Field trip is tomorrow. The bus leaves at  9:20am, please ensure you are on time for school! Make sure you bring a packed lunch, as we will be there the whole day.

French family tree, due Friday, February 2nd.

Conferences on Thursday, no school! PD Day Friday, no school!

Writing - Planning (step 5) should be completed for Monday, January 29th. Students can complete this using jot notes instead of full sentences.

P1 (S) - Intro
-describe setting
-describe character

P2 - W (wanted)
-describe what the character wants, why they are there

P3 - B (but) (s - so) introduce the problem, small solution
- B (but) (s - so) the problem gets worse (small solution)
- B (but) (s - so) the problem gets even worse 

P6 - S (so) - conclusion
-problem is resolved 

Fraction of the Day
Grade 5:        75             Grade 6:        35
                      -----                                 ------
                      100                                   100

Please remember to continue to log your food over the remainder of this week for health, and the weekend! Students will need this log to help complete activities that will follow in the coming weeks. 

Classroom Learning
Last week in math, we started working on the "chicken problem", and we continued to work on it today. Students partnered up, and attempted to come up with a solution to solve the weight of all the chickens in total, using the pictures provided. The idea is to work on building a variety of strategies, a "bank", that we can use when working with different math problems. Students were encouraged to try different strategies, and keep a positive mindset, focusing on what they learned from their errors instead of the final answer. Students worked with white boards and markers, paper and pencil, manipulatives, and Montessori materials to help develop a strategy. Today, we came up with 3 different strategies that work! Take a look at the picture with your child and see what strategies you can come up with together! Is there another way?

Monday, 22 January 2018

Health: Food Log

Important Dates and Info:
Field Trip on Wednesday!
French Family Tree due on Friday, February 2nd
Please remember to sign up for conferences!

Classroom Learning
Today in health we started to talk about healthy eating. We learned that calories are unit to measure energy. Each day, our body needs to eat a certain amount of calories to function properly. The amount depends on gender and age. Our body also burns calories each day.

Over the next 6 days, students are asked to track what they are currently eating (don't make any changes, eat what you would normally eat!) On two of the days, students will need to calculate the amount of calories they consumed (they will need to plan ahead and measure their food). A link for a calorie calculator has been provided below. Students will use this in future weeks to make comparisons.






Choose 2 different days and add up the approximate calories you consumed for those two days.
(you will need to measure for those two days, so plan ahead. Write in the boxes and add it up at the end).

Friday, 19 January 2018

Fingerprinting at home!!

Important Dates and Information
Please remember to return report card envelopes.
Please remember to sign up for parent-teacher conferences, if you have not already done so.
Writing - step #3, mind mapping your story, is due for Monday.
PD Friday - no school. 

Field trip on Wednesday.

Classroom Learning
In Science, we learned about fingerprints and how it connects to investigation and evidence. We learned that identical twins have the same DNA, but different fingerprints. Fingerprints are developed before you are born. There are 4 types of finger print patterns: plain arch, tented arch, whorl, and loop. Today, we practiced taking our finger prints, and analyzing them for patterns. Then Ms. Rohrbacher lifted a fingerprint off of a lid, using powder paint to dust over the finger print. The fine powder sticks to the oils and residues left behind. Then clear tape was placed over the finger and transferred to paper.

At home, fingerprint one family member using the method (pencil and paper) that we used today in class. With permission of your parents, dust for finger around the house and see if you can lift a fingerprint off of an object and transfer it to paper.

-baby powder or cocoa powder 
-clear packing tape (maybe scotch tape?)

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Fiber and Hair samples

Important Info and Dates:
-Parents can now sign up for conferences next week. Please ensure  you sign up for conference times as soon as possible. 
-field trip forms are due tomorrow
-please return report card envelopes 

-math exit slips due tomorrow 

Number of the Day
Grade 5:     6                       Grade 6:         4
                   ---                                             ---
                   10                                              7

Classroom Learning 
We are continuing to learn about Evidence in Science. Today, we examined different fibers under the microscope, discussing the difference between synthetic and natural fibers. We talked about how this relates to investigation, and why it would important to an investigation.

Next, we pulled hair samples from the class and placed them under the microscope. Students had to study the samples and guess which student they belonged to. We noticed many differences between the hair samples, not just in colour, but in areas such as thickness, coarseness, smoothness, and fineness.

Discuss at home with your parents what you noticed about the fiber and hair samples! How does this connect to investigation, and why is it important?

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Monthly Precepts Bulletin Board

Important Info and Dates:
Please return your report card envelopes.
Field trip forms are due on Friday, January 19th.
Writing - SWBS (somebody wanted but so....) planning ready to go for tomorrow.

Numbers of the Day
Grade 5:       2                               Grade 6:       3
                     ----                                                  ---
                     10                                                   5

Classroom Learning
We have been reading the book Wonder, and have finished Part One. Throughout the book, we stop to make connections with the themes "safe, caring, respectful, and welcoming", which are on a tree on a bulletin at the front of the school.
In the book, one of Auggie's teachers writes monthly precepts for his class to discuss. October's was "our deeds are our monuments". We are going to create our own bulletin board of precepts.

Students have been asked to think tonight about what they want to include, and how they want to present this board (how it should look). 

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Report Cards & Number of the Day

Important Info and Dates
Report cards are being sent home today!  

Persuasive Writing, good copy is due tomorrow, January 17th.
Field trip forms are due on Friday, January 19th. 

Students: please discuss with your parents the tree we have started on the bulletin board at the front of school and the leaves are attached, explain the 4 key words (safe, caring, welcoming, respectful) and how this tree connects with the book "Wonder" that we are reading as a class. Explain what role parents will have with the tree next week during conferences. 

Classroom Learning
Today, we started a new math book where we are working with a "number of the day". Since we are currently working with fractions and decimals, our number of the day is a fraction. I will attempt to attach the sheets to the blog for students to refer to at home. The daily number is expected to be completed during the work period, or completed at home the same night if not completed in class.

Grade 5's number of the day: 8


Grade 6's number of the day:  5

Monday, 15 January 2018

Adventures in room 19

Important Dates & Info
Persuasive Writing, Good copy due on Wednesday! 
Field trip forms are due by this Friday, January 19th (they are being sent home today).

Classroom Learning
In science this month, we have started a new unit on evidence. Today, in the middle of a lesson on suspects, we had an interruption when Mrs. O ran into our classroom and knocked over chairs, eventually running out with a stuffed owl. This gave us the opportunity to practice preparing witness statements. We divided the class into 3 groups. The first group completed their witness statements independently and silently. The 2nd group worked together to create one witness statement. And the third group created one witness statement, which was (incorrectly) influenced by Ms. Rohrbacher. Through this, we learned about the reliability of witness statements, and the many differences we had between ours. Police will be expecting differences in witness statements, and so will watch out for similarities to help further their investigation.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Group of 7 in Art

Important Dates and Info:
Persuasive Writing - due on Wednesday, January 17th
Field Trip on Wednesday, January 24th
Math Exit Slips due on Monday, January 15th

Classroom Learning
In art, we are starting to learn about different Canadian artists. We have created our own personal landscape, and will now be recreating it several different times in the the style of different Canadian artists. Over the weekend, and the beginning of next week, please take some time to research the following Group of 7 members. Choose your favourite painter from the group of 7, this is who you will use to recreate your landscape painting next week.

Tom Thompson
A.Y. Jackson
Lawren Harris
J.E.H MacDonald
Arthur Lismer
Franklin Carmichael 
Frank Johnston
Frederick Varley 

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Math Games at home

Important Info and Dates:
French - seasons and holidays: due on Friday
Personal landscape - art: due on Friday
Persuasive Writing - Good copy due on Wednesday, January 17th (next week).

Wednesday evening, January 10th, is the Montessori night from 6:00-7:30pm

Math Games
Our current unit that we are starting to study this month is on fractions and decimals. To go along with that, here is a fun game you can use to practice decimals at home!

Monday, 8 January 2018


Please bring your recorders for music tomorrow, Tuesday January 9th!!!

(Mrs. Schultz)
Dates and Events
French: Seasons & Holidays - due Friday
Art - personal landscape: completed and ready for Friday.

Classroom Learning
We jumped right back in the swing of things today after our winter break, continuing to work on our persuasive writing. Before break, we had completed our rough draft. Today, we worked with a partner to peer revise our writing, checking for grammar and proper format. We also filled in a "praise, ponder, polish" for our peers, to identify areas of strength and some areas that might need more attention.  We will continue to work on revising and editing throughout this week, with our good copy due for next Wednesday, January 17th.

Midnight and Caramel 
Our gerbils spent the break with one of our classmates over winter break, and needless to say they were spoiled! It looks like Santa came to visit, as they received a new wooden house and a play area, as well as a new gerbil ball (which we are looking forward to using during our sharing circle this Friday!) We are very happy to have these two lovelies back in our classroom, and are grateful for the love, attention and care they received during the holidays.